Some project highlights.


Catnipporium Catnipporium is a cat toy business, combining bespoke manufacturing and high-quality goods. All products are make locally, by me, using either easily accessable or open source tools. All furniture is made using an MPCNC designed and built in Freecad.

Cookie Create

Cookie Create is a printed cookie cutter business. It was fun to both flex my design skill, and to use Blender to render cutters before printing (and for quick photos). It's been a joy working with people to create their own custom designs as well!



Inspired by Libnoise, I built a python based, GPU-accelerated version of this noise library. I'm hoping to take this work even further in VR!

Shop software using NoCoDB as a backend

Source here Powering both Catnipporium and Cookie Create, this uses both Stripe Checkout and an open source Airtable equivilent called NoCoDB. NoCoDB was used because it could be run locally. This uses a low powered server to run a fully capable storefront. It's so nice! It's fairly specific to my needs, but if you can use it in a more general way, I'm open to pull requests.

VRM to Spritesheet

Some work on converting 3D models to Spritesheets. Great for low-reseource distant images, instead of using full 3D models. Unreleased, but I should get back into it.


Source here

A clone of the Watermelon Game, built using Godot. Can be played on both and the Play Store.


Source here

Just a clone of one of the games you see on TikTok ads. But...the actual game. Available on and the Play Store. Built using Godot


My Gitlab with a bunch of other projects.


My Github with a bunch of other projects.