Godot, VR, tiny shooting gallery.

by Tim

I found this video on Mastodon, demonstrating a basic VR test game, so I decided to make it myself, and post some of my thoughts.

The good.

The framework is super easy to work with, and has a lot of batteries included to making a VR game. I didn't have to write or design anything VR specific, all of that was handled for me. The closest thing I had to do was align some hands to the toy gun. This was really nice.

I could basically design my game scenery and interactions without worrying about the VR specifics. 10/10. I'm sure that a larger/more complex project would have to delve into the weeks a bit, but I think that's the case for any medium.

Personal Challenges.

My only VR headset is a Quest 2. While I've done previous Godot and Android stuff, someone who doesn't have this experience might have some stumbling points getting the tool-chain setup. Once it is setup, it's extremely easy to export to the Quest though.

Debugging is an issue though. I made an error, and when testing the game on the Quest, I got...nothing. No input, no log, and no good way to find them. Debugging a larger game on just the Quest will be an issue. Luckily I could run it on my desktop and hit the issue and subsequently fix it. But...anything more subtle and I'd be really stuck.

The bad.

The worst issue, and this is an issue that plagues other projects, is where to put stuff. Organization is a large aspect, and I don't feel like Godot really helps. It can be hard to move scenes around to cleanup due to references breaking. I think this is getting improved/fixed in Godot 4 though, so yay.