Terminal in VR.

by Tim


Heavily inspired by both https://github.com/RangerMauve/aframe-xterm-component and https://github.com/cs01/pyxtermjs I've build my own up to date xterm in vr.

Terminal running in a browser in A-Frame

Very cool, I'm excited to add working hot-refresh and beable to edit the webpage I'm in VR, in VR.

Minor complaint.

Node sucks. I find it very difficult to find an older project, hit node install, node run and have the project just work. The installation just seems to always fail, due to old versions. What's the point of package management if having the same version of stuff breaks 3 years later?

I don't seem to have this problem with python/pip, which is another reason why I tend to gravitate to it.

Up next.

Building a basic room, and being able to spawn objects. I'm looking to be able to have a generic object, and attach code to it that runs.